
The Purposes of an Employee of the Month Template



The primary purpose of an employee of the month template is to give employees recognition. In addition, it can be a great way to boost morale and encourage employees to continue working hard.

However, if you notice that only a particular group of people consistently receive the prize, it can be a sign of favoritism. If this is the case, you must investigate what is holding these employees back.


Recognition is a fundamental driver of employee engagement and motivation. It also strengthens connections, improves productivity, and makes work more meaningful – all critical factors driving business success.

However, an effective recognition strategy must be tailored to each employee’s unique needs and circumstances. A one-size-fits-all approach can be demotivating for both managers and employees alike.

As a result, it’s essential to ensure that your employee of the month template has clear criteria for eligibility. It will prevent it from becoming a popularity contest and from receiving complaints about “favoritism.”

It’s also vital to establish criteria that reflect your company’s goals. It will help your employees understand how to achieve their desired outcomes and increase their chances of winning an EOM award.

In addition, a public announcement of the winner will boost morale and make your employees cherish the moment forever. It can be done through social media, a Wall of Fame feature, or a team meeting.

A fun way to eligible employees of the month is to turn it into a charity competition. This way, teammates can vote by donating money to the candidate’s chosen charity. This method also offers runner-ups a sense of satisfaction and helps eliminate the issue of favoritism.


Employee motivation is essential, and an employee of the month award is a great way to encourage your staff members to work harder. Providing non-cash rewards for winning the award is also good, so your workers will want to keep up their excellent work.

If you plan on introducing an employee of the month program in your organization, ensure there are concrete criteria for rewarding a specific individual each month. Then, it will provide no perceptions of favoritism or that your awards are being given out because the recipient is a favorite.

For example, you might have an employee named “Value Victor.” This person represents and embodies one of your company’s core values in their work. They might go above and beyond their duties or exceed their sales goals.

Another example might be an employee named “Determinable.” They’re always there when needed, even when they’ve got a million things to do. This employee is a model for other members of the team to emulate.

A great way to recognize a star employee is by writing an article about them for your blog or newsletter. It will give you a chance to write about their strengths and accomplishments, as well as gather important information about their ambitions. You can also ask the recipient to submit an essay about themselves.

Team Building

When employees are bonded with their coworkers, they work better together to achieve goals that are important for the company. Whether during the day or after work, team building exercises are a great approach to accomplish this.

Another benefit of team building exercises is allowing employees to recognize and work on their strengths and weaknesses. For example, someone might find that they are a great leader but don’t have the skills to be a successful writer, or they may know they have poor communication skills but want to improve theirs to be a more effective team player.

Teams that regularly engage in team building activities can adapt to change and better understand one another’s needs. In addition, it can help a team feel more comfortable working together and can be particularly beneficial to remote workers who often face issues of isolation and anxiety.

Employees of the month awards often recognize individuals who meet specific criteria and positively impact the organization. This recognition is a great way to motivate and encourage employees and create an environment where people feel appreciated.

Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is a key factor in business success, with highly engaged businesses achieving better productivity, lower absenteeism, and customer service. In addition, increasing employee engagement helps companies to attract and retain the best talent, boost profits, and grow sales.

To build an effective engagement strategy, you must continuously address employee needs. This means that you need a system of communication that facilitates active listening and feedback, regular one-on-one check-ins with employees, and pulse surveys that help you track engagement levels.

The questions in your employee engagement survey should measure intent to stay, work involvement, discretionary effort, pride in the company, and willingness to recommend it. You also want to ask about the conditions that might cause or detract from engagement, such as autonomy and empowerment, career progression, collaboration, communication, leadership, recognition, resources, strategy, management support, and training and development.

Companies that provide opportunities for career development, perks like flexible work hours or on-site childcare, and life-work balance benefits all improve employee engagement. These things show employees that the company understands their concerns and wants to help. These benefits also reduce employee stress and promote a healthy lifestyle.

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